Sunday, November 13, 2011


To not allow the evils that have been done unto you to become of you.

To acknowledge the darkness around you without allowing it into you.

Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of Life.

To separate your true, god-given, virtuous essence from that "self" which the world and the tasks of survival oftentimes call you to be.

To gain your true strength from tender-heartedness and compassion.

To fight the inhumane with only the humane, always.

To fear most of all, becoming so hardened to the bad at the expense of the good and the just.

To defend yourself and others not with antagonistic posturing, but with protagonistic Surrender & quiet Dignity.

To fight unseen principalities of Destruction & Defeat with foreseen principalities of Resurrection & Victory.

All of this in God's name we pray. Amen.

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