Tuesday, February 7, 2012


In 1886,
Coca-Cola had the "fix",
To cure all ills,
In the absence of pills,
The secret ingredient,
'Twas quite expedient,
Offered up by the coca plant,
Much better than Gregorian chant,
Ensuring a steady demand,
And many a tremoring hand,
When the last drop was gone,
They all soon filed to Al-Anon,
A communal "high" not to be missed,
Better than a Coca-Cola in the fist,
Resulting in a steady sales plummet,
And a swell new jingle if you could hum it,
For now it was stronger than ever,
A brain tonic for any soporific weather,
The new "secret" ingredient,
Ever more expedient,
To keep working minds alert & keen,
Why the "real thing" now boasted of Caffeine!

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