We all long to get lost within sanctified Madness,
loosening our Mind's tenacious grip upon the world.
For it is only through what the world deems 'insanity' that we are truly free.
Our senses are weary from the constant barrage of the profane from day to day.
We see everything yet feel nothing.
We taste everything, yet the Soul's tongue has grown coarse and numb.
We hear everything, yet do not get its meaning.
We smell everything yet still remain insensate to all but the malodorous.
We feel the sun upon our flesh and the wind, gently caressing our skin, yet remain emptied of all Sentience.
Where is our Soul, where has it gone?
The pain is so constant that it has become all-too-familiar.
Yet we are no more stirred by it than by anything else.
We no longer glimpse of God's face.
We are no longer imbued with His spirit.
We have grown lukewarm and He has spat us out of His mouth.
We long to feel the fiery tongue of the Holy Spirit-and this alone, is our only redemption.
For we belong to Him and will never grow cold beyond thawing, hardened beyond malleabiliy.
Somewhere along the way, we lose sight of ourselves as He has fashioned us.
And it all begins when we turn our backs upon the worlds which we have created for ourselves-
the worlds which seek to preserve us from the snares of The Devil.
For the world outside of God's love and grace have nothing to offer of true sustenance or lasting value.
Yet that private inner sanctuary within every human soul fighting The Good Fight is special.
Yes, it must remain undesecrated, for it is the Kingdom of Heaven within us.
Yet until we regain our sight and our agility to surrender & blind Faith, we will dwell only in this Hell.
Perhaps we often just fall asleep and forget how to awaken.
We are still asleep and dreaming upon the crude laps of Indigence & Insolence.
And our Treasures, once abundantly and generously shared with all,
must strive only to stay hidden away for safekeeping.
Yet we know we must give anyway-this is why we suffer as we do.
We can bear the weight of our own private worlds, but of the other world?
We must weigh the costs and decide which world to commit to.
Until we commit, our infidelity will run amok and we will bear the consequences of our sins of omission.
We are wedded to God's world, yet will always lust in our hearts after the other.
So, shall we just give in and consummate this lust for the other world?
In this matter, must one serve both masters?
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