Store up your treasure here in Hell
where neither moth nor rust can destroy,
for the Soul has grown comfortably numb
and the Mind lethargic & dumb
from the copious anasthetic of Nihilistic Indulgence.
Blessed is the man here in Hell
who walks in the counsel of the Disconsolate,
where the fires burn only so hot and for so long
before the flesh learns to admit defeat.
Cursed is the man here in Hell
who continues to seek The Light,
shunning the dark Eternity which he has inherited,
as Hope, once his greatest comfort & salvation,
now, his intractable torment & damnation.
The fool sayeth in his heart here in Hell:
There is a God, benevolent, absolving, full of grace
and sufficient for Thee.
Weeping endures for the night here in Hell,
and woeful gnashing of the teeth for all Eternity,
where all dwellers receive plentiful malnourishment
from the choicest morsels of alibis faithfully inflicting,
the lifeblood of God running viscous & cold beneath the skin,
as the shivering upset of the animus finds consolation only
within the promise of infernal Eternality.
Who may gaze upon the Dark Master's presence here in Hell?
Who may stand in his unholy place?
He who has unnclean hands and an impure heart,
who lifted up his Soul while on earth to idols
of mere stone, metal, parchment and bone,
and swore only by that which is false, facile and empty.
The Lord is not the Light or the Salvation of dwellers here in Hell,
yet these no longer need concern themselves with whom they should fear,
for Terror is all that reigns, is all that these have inherited,
for the Lord offered Himself, a stronghold of their earthly life,
yet they abdicated, allowing evil men to advance against them
and to seduce, ply and devour their own flesh
at the eventual exploitative causatum of the Innocent & Righteous.
Unblessed are those here in Hell
whose trangressions are not forgiven, whose sins, not covered
and in whose spirits lies Deceit,
for when they did not keep silent & still to the call of Evil,
their bones quickly wasted away & their spirits groaned all day long,
for day & night the Lord's hand was heavy upon them,
but their strength was sapped as in the heat of summer,
as they could find no absolution in the obstinancy of their self-deception.
The eyes of the blessed Lord no longer gaze upon those here in Hell
& His ears turn no longer attentively to their cry,
for the face of the Lord is against those who did Evil,
He hath cut the memory of them off from the earth,
for although the unrighteous still cry out, He does not hear them,
no longer offers them deliverance from their troubles,
for Evil hath slain the wicked,
& the foes of the Righteous are forevermore slain.
Still in the works...more to come...
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