I, with Primal Intuition declare myself definitively sane, in the face of all salacious intensity & licentious delirium which this flesh may visit upon me, discharging my wanton Shadow from its ghost asylum of Doubt, the puritanical tyranny of such lilbidinous restraint & the false pretenses of all forms of austere "nobility". For we are all achingly aware of the true apostasy which we all must commit daily beneath the ecumenical altars of Social Order & Industry. Yet not unlike the true nature which we must shun, nothing truly is just either-or, but is always all of the above and at the same time. It is the Infinite Quantum Void, ever teeming with mere probability, possibility, and until we decide & act, thereby "collapsing the wave function", as quantum physicists call it, all remains in mere ontological suspension.
Furthermore, one individual's "Civility & Order", is another's utter Savagery & Chaos, just as the depraved Anarchy & portentous Damnation often smugly & sententiously predicted by the former kind, is actually experienced by this latter "other", as their only true Reason & Redemption. It is often touted that resistance of that which is natural is, more often than not, rewarding in its preventive effects. But, we must examine, preventive of what, exactly? All was created to possess a particular perfection of design & nature, and perhaps Essence should always be honoured as preceding Existence, even in the face of those dictates of revision so militantly urged by that of each "thing's" Architect. Now, I merely refer to those Architects of the earthly & substitutionary kind, and not to The Ultimate Architect. Yet still, so many pay heed only to the stifling dogmas of Doctrine & Denomination, merely seeking to bring about a diffusion of Ipseity & Integrity, thus furthermore reducing the Human Essence to gross & unorthodox uniformity. For to become "One" in a grander sense of communal altruism & goodwill, we must first cultivate a sense of "oneness" & wholeness within each ourselves. For we are only as "divinely human" or "evolved" as we are so thought of by others, but mostly, as we are so sincerely felt to be within ourselves. We become that which we believe that we are, to a large extent. I think, therefore I am, whatever I think that I am.
Percipience & the monitoring thereof could be the most adept & powerful tool which the human species has always had at our employ. And in a sense, how we think, is a life force in & of itself, as it seems to determine so much. Hence, perhaps the most pertinent question to ask of each ourselves is not the age old: How should I live? but How should I think? The verdict is in. How we think or that which we believe determines in the most tantamount of cases how we will then live & even how we will die. And this then begs the issue that perhaps we should first seek a cultivation or refinement of Mind, in order that we may best cultivate the fruits of The Spirit. And indeed, most major world religions embrace this philosophy of Mind including what ultimately matters, rather than that of the Western model which usually dictates a kind of Mind over all-even & often especially at the expense of what ultimately matters. Most notably of these major world religions, is of course most of those of The East, namely that of Buddhism & Hinduism, which place meditation & contemplation tantamount to the primary means towards achieving true spiritual enlightenment & personal enrichment. As many Eastern mystics have been touted as saying: "Consciousness is the ground of all Being."
Moreover, within much of the orthodox Judaist tradition, intellectuality as the means towards deeper & higher spiritual understanding is also adhered to as a long-standing tradition. The most commonly alluded to adage embraced by most Judaist scholars is best embodied by the latin: Amor intellectualis Dei. To translate roughly, using a quote by yet another Rabbinic scholar & theologian, "A truly devout man cannot be ignorant." I would translate, using my own words, that this concept means that to love God, is to love the mind of God and to seek to cultivate this same mind within oneself. Also, this concept extends even to Judeo-Christianity, in the doctrine that an individual is saved not by works, but by faith. Or, to use a more politically neutral term, a person is saved through belief, or by their attitudes. For the mind is the genesis of all subsequent action, i.e. : I think & believe & therefore this is how I end up living & being.
In finale, as has been the custom in much of Western thought, a rigid Cartesian duality is often blindly embraced at the expense of The Ultimates. Rene Descartes, the philosopher & mathematician credited with the doctrine of Mind/Body Duality, to paraphrase, posited that "the mind cannot live without the body, and the body cannot live without a/or the mind." However, some would add to this, that neither the mind nor the body can truly or most fully live or have existence or substance without the inhabitancy of a Soul or a Spirit. This is, however, fodder for an even more extensive essay to be explored at length later. Yet sometimes it is hard to tell which we should place more emphasis upon. But perhaps if we continue that noblest of human quest's to mold & shape our intellects into that which we envisage our inmost personages to become, then perhaps we will reach our goal nevertheless, despite all human folly & fumblings to get there. If indeed the nouminous substance of Idea molds each Actuality of whatever any individual destiny is to become, then perhaps it begins more in the mind than we can fully imagine. In the end, there is no difference between war with a spear & war with a nuclear warhead. Evil is evil or havoc & destruction are havoc & destruction no matter what clever guises or intelligence of form they manifest themselves with. If any true "civility" is to be breached, it must first be Talmudically-schooled within the sacred inner sactum of every individual's Mind & Spirit, before it can be manifest properly & effectively through each individual's outward actions. Again, everything begins with one seed within the inmost core of the fruit. We all must take heed of which seeds we cultivate & nourish, for not all kinds of fruit both nourish and sustain.
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