Monday, February 18, 2013


Evoking the evocative silence of red balloons billowing across
a blindingly black on white landscape,
Eternity whisps on a tangent down the rough-hewn alley of Apathy,
 boisterous & looking for a riot-
"Shhh! Quiet!" the lazy, creeping haze commands,
for Mona Lisa is nearby, perched atop a Priest's velvet red box,
ready not for a confession but a Kodak moment.

The red light sun resurrects the Ultimate Psychiatrist
from a heaping pile of spent cigar ashes-
he does a perfect three-sixty,
now vomiting Jungian Dream Theory & Nietzsche's anamnesis
all over his ill-fitted suit & three-thousand dollar Moroccan carpet,
which undulates like the North sea, screaming envy at the moon.

I remain transfixed & utterly enthralled by the keen lucidity
of the so-called Absurd, reveling at the countless souls
who instead choose to commit themselves to that
sanctified insanity masquerading as "sanity,"
a diagnosis whose prognosis can surely lead one only into true Madness,
and a systematically debasing de-sanctification.

It now rains fire & brimstone,
igniting within me the revelation of Primordial Percipience,
a seering heat which creeps deep into the dessicated scales
of that creeping old lizard, The Amygdala,
only to discover myself marrowing into the flesh & bones
of the exquisite, Byzantium architecture of Katharis,
a Divine Order, immaculately implicate and explicate.

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