Friday, April 6, 2012

BY ANY OTHER NAME (Penned in 20's)

He had to fall
to see the fallen.
His senses reeled,
and wind whipped and rain ripped
through an infinite field
where the fruits of man's labour and toil
hung high,
high low,
some yes,
some no-
yet all-neither friend nor foe.

He sensed the earth subtly twitch and turn
beneath his feet,
and for once wondered where
Heaven and Hell would meet
upon the dawning of the realization
that the Answer bore more weight than the question.
And he wondered how such gravitas had ever
been transcended by mortalkind
to alight upon any solution
by all who had held on and by those who still remained.

A celestial entity
in mortal's clothing
having a name-Cassiel-
by which to be called,
the only thing linking him to it all-
yet, the only thing in the way,
the missing link.

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