Hoc est enim corpus meum.
I take of it and eat, every day.
It giveth me sustenance yet taketh away.
It granteth me Life yet plaques me with Death.
It is distinctly reflective of an individual entity,
yet also masks the true, unified Essence lying beneath it.
And so we all live our lives in subversive defiance
of the things which try to deny us what we know to be true
vs. that which we must believe to be true.
For who is to know of Transcendence,
as the very pursuit of it further entrenches and tethers us
with even more inertial forces than ever before
once we make the choice to alight from the infirm ground
of Mediocrity and Apathy.
Yet still, we must work for it, nonetheless.
But perhaps we are just miseducated.
Perhaps we have for too long been conditioned to see it all wrong.
Perhaps we should be seeking Transcendence within the gradual ascension itself
and not in some envisaged place of lofty finality and rest.
Transcendence has been and is being obtained within every precious moment
we find ourselves either bound or freed in on this earth,
in these human incarnations.
It just all takes place within the human Soul, a subtly forging phenomenon.
Ding-an-sich, the thing-in-itself as synonymous with noumenon.
Yes, Transcendence is being achieved every day.
Life is Beauty, take of it and eat and Beauty ye will be.
For Life is whatever we mean it to become.
It is all complete, all whole and yet still, amenable to our will.
This is the Body of our Salvation or our Damnation:
Life and Conscious Choice.
Take of them and eat yet be ever so selective and discreet,
and ye shall find nourishment and sustenance beyond all fleshly yearning and necessity.
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