Sunday, November 20, 2011

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA (Published in Silver Wings Mayflower Pulpit 2001)

Standing upon the beach
in the middle of everywhere
within the vortex of omniscience
tidal wave of revelation-
I, a miniscule mote of Creation
amongst an Infinity of Creations-
even the grains of sand upon which I glance
and make my ephemeral imprint
humble my weary soul.
I have only begun to grasp
the concept of Him-
the round, hard chalices of my bloodied, skinned knees
the callused balls of my well-travailed feet
now surrendering their reverent hollows
to the warm sands of the fathomless Creator
the Alpha and the Omega.
And so the ends of all ends begins
the beginning of all beginnings He sends
upon His gentle breath of Life
the winds.

LAUGH THEN BE STILL (Published in Art Times 2002)

The bigger the leaf lost,
The higher the tree's grief cost,
Now drudging?
How begrudging,
Is thine Fate being to Thee?
Move still,
Rest nil,
Turn your season of all or none pain,
Into laughter's reason to thrall or shun bane.

The more the mind thinks,
The less the heart hears,
For as your blind soul blinks-
Unrest, with glee, will impart fears.
How obnoxious,
Now toxious,
Are thine thoughts being to Thee?
Be in riot,
Of quiet,
Turn the voice of violent illusion's demented fruition,
Into the choice of silent fusion's cemented Intuition.