Monday, June 18, 2012



 Wildness is not an inciting or an invocation of applied will or force. It is a giving in, a surrender to. For we are, wild by nature. And an embrace of primitivity, contrary to common wisdom, is not what turns us into savages. What transforms us into savages is a denial of our raw, pure naturality. We so smugly assume the methodologies of communal refinement and cosmopolitan acculturation to be the sole genesis of humankind's sense of morality, but in this case, the cure is indeed, the cancer. For, delightfully contrary to what the majority otherwise believes and socially engineers its inhabitants to become, the neglect of the primeval self through such spurious and overzealous attempts at fanatical homogenization is perhaps at the root of every single societal ill. Yet we still project all of our failings upon some inferior, "pre-historic" entity, causing only more estrangement from ourselves as a species, thus allowing evil to further root itself in every de-humanist endeavor.

     We can transcend our destructive nature only insofar as we can fully integrate and own it as merely a natural and otherwise in its inert form, benign aspect of our human condition and experience. Furthermore, over the years, countless scientists from all disciplines have attempted to elucidate upon this very truth. Yet we, as a species, still believe that we cannot maintain our so-called dominion, efficiency and sufficieny over the earth and all upon it and within it, while also kneeling before the shrine of our primodial leanings. And it is not so much a case whereby one must serve two masters, but it is a case whereby one must learn to appease both.

     All of existence, mundane and transcendental, teems with enough esteem to be gleaned by all willing to pay proper homage and reverence to their own humanity and to the humanity of others. For the glaring, superficial lights beneath which modern man gleans his esteem are not only harsh and deceptive, but are very unflattering to his image as a whole. Yet perhaps this is why we, as a species, continue to remain prodigally adrift from out true imago and home. For it is at least assured that while man basks in the sickly pallor of this spotlight, he still has an easily accessible mirror that is more than willing to reflect back to him only that which he wishes to see. For in this light, he can sneer with smug, pitying contempt upon his so-called "inferior" former incarnation, and congratulate his more "evolved" self with impugnity.

     Yet, when this light turns away from him, another light altogether may now reveal him in his true form. And only then, can he fully step into the light, unabashed in his totality of Being. And he soon slowly realizes that the self which he had been attempting to murder through fragmentation all of these years, merely lent more lucidity to his third eye, and is the one Journey which has enabled him to find Wholeness again. For this self was not the self he needed take heed of or feel ashamed of. No, the self which he has been truly fighting to preserve is the one that dreams, the one that feels deeply and sentiently, the one that thinks boldly. So, you want to evolve? Then, continue being that which you already are.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Depth is the soul
trembling are the loins
blood fills the glass bowl
disassembling where the mind conjoins.

Flighty is the Spirit
futile the Heart's retreat
for in the disquietude of felicity we fear it
will drown out Melancholia's constant beat.

Finity is our quest
conceit is our bane
so we battle for humility lest
we come to know insane.

Fear is our loathing
faith is our lack
so we grievously sieze no thing
as we covet that night of black.

Bitterness we taste upon our mortal tongue
as we see others' faces cringe
our song of love yet still unsung
an inner Hell and corrosive singe.

Meager is the cost
mediocrity, the petty profit
what Passion born at rebirth is lost
the still womb of Apathy to scoff it.

Unity is the Cause
yet Alienation, the effect
upon the edges we pregnantly pause
the fragility of Courage we accept to reject.

Serpentine is the Mind's curve
vicious is the Vein
judicious is the gavel of the Nerve
ever pernicious, the bane.

Symphonic is the Longing's song
genius prone the 'Have Nots' phrasing
erratic pulsates the Heart's Hand's grasp so strong
yet all-too subtle is Nature's phasing.

Chilling is the fever
brittle is the bone
arthritic is the Weaver
as the noose is sown.

Vacuous is the Void
raging, the inner scream
elusive is the inscience of the Embryoid
faithfully evasive, the Cathartic Dream.

Friday, June 1, 2012

PATENT (Penned in 20's)

Well, hello there, feel free, come on in!
God's upstairs making popcorn-
The Devil's in the basement makin' gin,
And although this testament hasn't yet been sworn-
The kernels, by Jove! are being born again!
But watch your step 'cause the National Atheists With Rifles Association is strewn about here too,
Snap! Crackle! Bop! Bang! Boom!
A new seasoning for popcorn-
I'm gonna be rich-who knew!