Monday, April 30, 2012


     Time weighs so heavily upon the mortal soul, cannot be transcended. But this is just it! It need not be transcended, just dwelt fully within. And God said "Just know that I AM." For this is the immutable, omnipresent essence infusing all life with hylozoic, quantum consciousness. Consciousness is not only the ground of all being, but is being, is life itself, and is even perhaps the light of the "dark matter" which lies microcosmically at the Source of All That Is. I am alive. I am conscious that I am thinking, feeling, experiencing right now. Cogito ergo sum, indeed. The problem with our current cultural and societal paradigm and milieu is not with thinking but with a fluidity & integration of both thinking and feeling. In other words, the problem with most of this human existence is with not only with becoming, but most significantly with just being. We so easily end up becoming humans doing rather than humans being.

     In continuum, although the embrace of our freedom does create angst in the face of the weighty responsibility that it entails, it is also at the very soul of our greatest triumphs and ecstasies. And in the end, it is the key to our Ultimate Transcendence. Yet we ask: Can this state of consciousness be maintained whilst the task of survival remains ever so achingly imminent? But what we so often miss out on is that here is where the synthesis of "Survival vs. Thrivance" comes to its most beneficent fruition within the soul of every human entity. For we all must continually weigh the costs of this life of paradox, much like that ancient, mythical Sumerian jackal-headed imago called Anubis was assigned the task of determining every individual's eternal fate by the weighing of each human heart. Yet, the moral of this myth was that it was only those souls that weighed in the lightest-not the heaviest-that were granted entrance into heavenly realms. Yet in all truth, while we are in these current human incarnations, we will be required to keep weighing in, and very heavily indeed.

     Moreover, most of what our current cultural milieu teaches us is quite toxic to the human spirit and mind. The truth underlying all things, natural and supra-natural is that we, as all else, are always evolving whether we blind ourselves to it or not, whether we resist it or not. And personally, I find this underlying reverse of so-called entropy to be quite comforting. Yet I do not think that we blind ourselves to this assurance of orderly perfection inherent within the design of all things out fear of the evolving but oftentimes in fear of the dissolving.  To clarify, all change of any kind is experienced by us as a loss-and indeed, perhaps change is loss. And we must then be faced with the Dantean task of grieving these losses and releasing them. But we must accomplish this for ourselves if we are to be brought to a gradual spiritual fruition and maturation, as this aspect of our experience is as much a part of our existential purpose-if it is not even more so. And, to coin a phrase, this can be called our metaphysical biology, if you will.

     In addition, even Darwin himself was very sentiently aware of the great numinosity and mystery behind all of nature's design, although he is often presumed, as many scientific-minded are, as being either a-spiritual or even anti-spiritual. Yet we all intuit that all just is as it was created to unfold and express itself. And indeed, as many ponder, perhaps Heaven and Hell are states of being, or consciousness, and evil is merely that force which seeks to blind us to this Truth and to convince us to resist our truest essence, which is wholeness, goodness, freedom of being-ness and love. Integration is key. We desperately cling to empty idols & fruitlessly search for a Saviour, completely forgetting that we are already saved. We are, in this very moment, free and loved by a Source unconditional and indestructible. And even though taking this all into ourselves feels overwhelming at times and we constrict to it, even then we remain whole and completely loved. In the beginning, God saw His creation and saw that it was good. And, so it was after and still continues to be. The rest is left up to us, inasfar as we are the co-creators of consciousness and thus, of many worlds. For although the power which works in us through God, if we are choosing to live in truth and love, is far more dynamic and vast than our finite human intellects can fathom, this is the very function and definition of "faith."

     In closing, we must let go, to hold on, surrendering ourselves, no matter how frightening, to a source more powerful than ourselves. We need containment. We need protection from our destructive potential as human beings. But our God is a God who does not see our worth as being strictly contingent upon either our "saintly" virtue or our turpitude. He is eternal, constant, ever faithful and ever eminent. For He, the One we cannot even fully fathom, cannot be anything else. It is we who are limited. Yet whatever we believe our higher power to be, belief is at the macrocosmic and microcosmic core of all things brought into being. Mind-stuff over matter. Mind-stuff as matter. We are not there yet, but we are, as a species gradually unfolding in our evolution and beginning how to see and how to think and how to live. Yet, at the same time, we just are and God's unconditional grace is sufficent for us. For there really is no such thing as "self-improvement", merely "self-actualization" or realization. This human experience is, in and of itself, a process of unfolding. Sometimes a blooming thing is hesitant in reaching towards full sustenance and light, yet when it finally allows for its truest nature to take course, is brought to fruition beyond anything it could ever dream.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Personality is the offspring the parthenogenesis of the soul. Parthenogenesis is the production of offspring from unfertilized eggs. Hence, when the human Soul is unfertilized or barren, meaning that it is unfulfilled or longing, individuated personality becomes a product of that soul separation from the Whole. For we oftentimes feel the need to fill the void of our lack of deeper, truer connection with other human souls as coming from the source of one universally experienced spiritual being. Therefore, a sort of philosophical/existential parthenogenesis occurs, and thus is born, from this barren egg, The Separate Self, the miracle progeny of the Disunified Essence.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Hoc est enim corpus meum.
I take of it and eat, every day.
It giveth me sustenance yet taketh away.
It granteth me Life yet plaques me with Death.
It is distinctly reflective of an individual entity,
yet also masks the true, unified Essence lying beneath it.

And so we all live our lives in subversive defiance
of the things which try to deny us what we know to be true
vs. that which we must believe to be true.
For who is to know of Transcendence,
as the very pursuit of it further entrenches and tethers us
with even more inertial forces than ever before
once we make the choice to alight from the infirm ground
of Mediocrity and Apathy.
Yet still, we must work for it, nonetheless.

But perhaps we are just miseducated.
Perhaps we have for too long been conditioned to see it all wrong.
Perhaps we should be seeking Transcendence within the gradual ascension itself
and not in some envisaged place of lofty finality and rest.
Transcendence has been and is being obtained within every precious moment
we find ourselves either bound or freed in on this earth,
in these human incarnations.
It just all takes place within the human Soul, a subtly forging phenomenon.
Ding-an-sich, the thing-in-itself as synonymous with noumenon.

Yes, Transcendence is being achieved every day.
Life is Beauty, take of it and eat and Beauty ye will be.
For Life is whatever we mean it to become.
It is all complete, all whole and yet still, amenable to our will.
This is the Body of our Salvation or our Damnation:
Life and Conscious Choice.
Take of them and eat yet be ever so selective and discreet,
and ye shall find nourishment and sustenance beyond all fleshly yearning and necessity.

Friday, April 6, 2012

BY ANY OTHER NAME (Penned in 20's)

He had to fall
to see the fallen.
His senses reeled,
and wind whipped and rain ripped
through an infinite field
where the fruits of man's labour and toil
hung high,
high low,
some yes,
some no-
yet all-neither friend nor foe.

He sensed the earth subtly twitch and turn
beneath his feet,
and for once wondered where
Heaven and Hell would meet
upon the dawning of the realization
that the Answer bore more weight than the question.
And he wondered how such gravitas had ever
been transcended by mortalkind
to alight upon any solution
by all who had held on and by those who still remained.

A celestial entity
in mortal's clothing
having a name-Cassiel-
by which to be called,
the only thing linking him to it all-
yet, the only thing in the way,
the missing link.

Monday, April 2, 2012

THE HONORABLE FAITH PRESIDING (Penned in my early twenties)

Shall Eternity be thicker than Time-
Why must we feel so betrayed?
Day by day the not quite moot,
Maternity/Paternity suit-
The Plaintiff-the materially evidenced abundantly presented-
The Defendant-the circumstantial theoreticals underrepresented.

Yet now the dire disunity of The Jury-
Faced with a higher impugnity-
The Verdict is in-no need for further fury-
The case is dismissed,
Gavel and wood colliding,
At the hand of the honorable Faith presiding.