Sunday, November 6, 2011

MOSAIC (A Poem I Penned In My Twenties)

The stunning mosaic of Fear
easled as higher Art
within the banquet halls of the esurient Heart-
the going price
a damning diminution
of Transcendence, Absolution.

The massive cloak of Apathy
modeled as finest wear
though shockingly bare, there underneath
within the Saturnine Soul
yet also holstering both Sword & Sheath.

The harmonically dissonant opus of Rage
rocking & rattling the glass cage
backed by the shattering soprano scream
of a mind all too in tune
to the cruelly evasive Cathartic Dream-
a refrain ending none too soon.

-added by Valerie Lynn Stephens on November 6, 2011

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